Sometimes the cobbler’s children do get new shoes! Spring is in the air and it seemed like the right time for a little brand refresh – check out the new Lellobird logo!
I’d actually been thinking about making some changes for a while; like many of the clients who come to me for a logo update, I realized as my company grew that the original logo needed some tweaks to grow with me. The old all-yellow logo didn’t work well on light-colored backgrounds, which affected how I set up labels and letterhead and other things. The rectangular shape of the bird meant that on social media sites my little bird’s beak and tail feathers were forever getting chopped off to fit in the circular profile pictures. And I struggled with how to use the logo in one-color or black-and-white situations.
The solution was actually pretty simple: I created an outline version of the bird, with some wing details mirroring his angled legs, to give him some definition in both color and black-and-white uses. And I shortened up his tail and changed the angle of his beak and eye to give the logo a more circle-friendly aspect and a slightly cuter appearance. Then I put a yellow fill behind the outline for when I need to add color, just slightly offset from the outline for a playfully retro feel.
I’m really happy with the big change just a couple of edits made! And since I keep referring to my logo as “he,” now I’m thinking that little bird needs a name…
Could your logo use a little spring cleaning? Drop me a line.